Kamis, 12 September 2013

Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense dan Past Tense (Part 2)

A. Simple Present Tenses
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang bersifat tetap, kebiasaan atau kebenaran yang hakiki. Karena sering menyangkut kejadian diwaktu lamapu, sekarang dan akan datang, Tenses ini paling sedikit mempunyai keterangan waktu tertentu.

Kalimat-kalimat bahasa inggris umumnya harus mempunyai subject(s) dan predicate(p). karena itu semua Tenses akan dipormulasi seperti itu.
+) Subject + to be + verb I + Main verb
+) Subject + verbI +(s/es)
Contoh :
* he is handsome
(dia tampan)
* is he handsome?
(apakah dia tampan?)
* he is not handsome
(dia tidak tampan)
Simple Present Tense dipakai ketika:
• Kejadiannya bersifat umum, atau
• Terjadi sepanjang waktu, atau kebiasaan di masa lampau, sekarang dan masa yang akan datang, atau
• Kejadiannya tidak hanya terjadi sekarang, atau
• Bersifat kebenaran umum, yang orang lain tidak dapat menyangkal lagi akan kebenarannya.

 :Contoh Kalimat  Simple Present Tense
o   I am here every Sunday
o   I go to school every day
o   we study english at school
o   she wtches Tv in the evening
o   Do you speak english

B. Present Continuous Tense
Tenses ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu tindakan yang benar-benar sedang dilakukan saat ini. Kalimat-kalimat dalam Tenses ini lebih sering dipakai dari pada present Tenses.
subject + to be (is, am, are) + kata kerja + ing

Tense ini dipakai untuk menjelaskan tentang:
• Kejadian yang sedang terjadi sekarang, atau
• Kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan dating
Contoh :
+) She is cooking in the kitchen.
(dia sedang memasak di dapur)
-) She is not cooking in the kitchen
(dia tidak sedang memasak di dapur)
?) is she cooking in the kitchen?
(Apakah dia sedang memasak di dapur?)

 :Contoh Kalimat Present continues tense
o   I am reading this book now
o   It's raining now
o   Jack is sleeping now
o   Dewi is working on that task
o   We were watching a movie on TV

C. Simple Past Tense
Rumus Kalimat Positif:
subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 2
Rumus Kalimat Negatif :
subject + did + not + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 1
Rumus Kalimat Tanya:
Did + subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke – 1
Pengecualian: Ketika Predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka pengganti kata kerja tersebut adalah was (I, she, he, it) dan were (we, you, they).
Kapan kita memakai Simple Past Tense?
Kita memakai Tense ini untuk membicarakan tentang satu perbuatan yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
+) They were student last year
(mereka pelajar tahun lalu)
-) they were not student last year
(mereka bukan pelajar tahun lalu)
?) were they student last year?
(apakah mereka pelajar tahun lalu?)

  :Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense
o   I was lazy yesterday morning
o   I walked to school yesterday
o   The girl ate much ice cream this morning
o   I was busy yesterday
o   She was not here iast night

D. Past Continuous Tense
subject + was, were + Kata Kerja + ing
Kapan kita menggunakan Tense ini?
Tense ini menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau kejadian pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
+)We were joking.
-) We were not joking
?) Were we joking?

 :Contoh Kalimat Past Continues Tense
o   He was cleaning the house yesterday morning
o   I was reading an hour ago
o   John was swimming before luch yerterday
o   Peter was reading while Mary was writing
o   Jack was working while the others were sleeping

E. Present Perfect Tense
subject + have + past participle (Kata Kerja Bentuk ke-3)
Tense ini digunakan untuk:
• Pengalaman
• Perubahan
• Situasi Yang berkelanjutan
Atau untuk menunjukan suatu peristiwa yang selesai pada waktu yang singkat (baru selesai)
Perhatikan contoh-contoh kalimatnya berikut ini:
+) they have met me
(mereka sudah menemui saya)
?) have they met me?
(apakah mereka sudah menemui saya?
-) they have not met me
( mereka belum menemui saya)

 :Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense
o   I have been there
o   He has been here
o   They have been at home
o   He has cleaned house
o   You have broken the glass

F. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
subject + have / has + been + K.Kerja + ing
Kita menggunakan Tense ini untuk menjelaskan:
• Satu kejadian/kegiatan yang baru saja berlangsung
• Satu perbuatan yang berlangsung hingga sekarang (pada saat bicara masih terjadi)
Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut:
+) They have been playing football
(Mereka telah sedang bermain sepakbola)
-) They have not been playing football
(merka telah tidak sedang bermain sepakbola)
?) have they been playing football?
( Apakah merka telah sedang bermain sepakbola?)

 :Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense
o   I have been sitting here since ten o’clock
o   He has been cleaning the house since morning
o   She has been reading for three hours
o   The children have been playing for a long time
o   We have been talking most of the time

G. Past Perfect Tense
had + subject + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke - 3
Kapan kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense?
Tense ini mengekspresikan tindakan di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi, namun kejadiannya di masa lampau.
+) I had listen the radio when you come here
(aku sudah mendengar radio sebelum kamu datang

 :Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tenseo   He had cleaned the house
o   The sun had risen before I awoke
o   The rain had stopped when I left
o   John said he had seen a ghost
o   Bob said he had met Mr Robin

H. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
subject + had + been + Kata Kerja + ing
Kapan Kita menggunakan Past Perfect Continuous Tense?
Tense ini sama pemakaiannya dengan Past Perfect Tense, namun mengekspresikan tindakan-tindakan yang lebih lama di masa lampau sebelum tindakan lain terjadi.
She had been helping me when they went to scool
(dia telah sedang membantu saya ketika mereka telah pergi ke sekolah)

 :Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • I had been working.
  • You had been playing tennis.
  • It had not been working well.
  • We had not been expecting her.
  • Had you been drinking?
  • Had they been waiting long?
Rumus Umum Tense adalah sbb:
No Tenses Rumus
1 Present Simple Tense S + V1 + dll
2 Present Continuous Tense S + is, am, are + V-ing + dll
3 Present Perfect Tense S + have,has + V3 + dll
4 Present Perfect Continuous Tense S + have, has + been + V-ing + dll
5 Past Simple Tense S + V2 + dll
6 Past Continuous Tense S + was, were + V-ing + dll
7 Past Perfect Tense S + had + V3 + dll
8 Past Perfect Continuous Tense S + had + been + V-ing + dll

  1. The sun rises in the east
  2. The sun sets in the west
  3. All dogs have four legs
  4. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
  5. The average person breathes 21.600 times a day
  6. Each person has one mouth
  7. Animals don't speak English
  8. Love ends with e in spelling
  9. Hate also ends with e in spelling
  10. The world is round

  1. Kathy usually sits in the front row during class.
  2. Daniel always eats a sandwich for lunch
  3. A lazy man usually gets up at seven in the morning
  4. Dina teaches English every day
  5. Budi and Cintya always go fishing every week
  6. Hendi often asks me to play Football every sunday
  7. Javanese people speaks Bahasa Jawa more often than Bahasa Indonesia
  8. Sundanese people speaks Bahasa Sunda more often than Bahasa Indonesia
  9. Aliya always study Mathematics every night
  10. I usually go to school by bus

Ubah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi kalimat negative (N) dan interrogative (I). Contoh: 1 N) negative. 1 I) interrogative.
  1. N) I repeat the new words every night. I) I repeat the new words every night.
  2. N) My brother explains the difficult math. I) My brother explains the difficult math.
  3. N) We understand what he means. I) We understand what he means.
  4. N) The dog chases the cat all around the house. I) The dog chases the cat all around the house.
  5. N) She carries the bag to school every day. I) She carries the bag to school every day.
  6. N) He teaches English at school. I) He teaches English at school.
  1. N) I do not repeat the new words every night. I) Do you repeat the new words every night?
  2. N) My brother does not explain the difficult math. I) Does your brother explain the difficult math?
  3. N) We do not understand what he means. I) Do you understand what he means?
  4. N) The dog does not chase the cat all around the house. I) Does the dog chase the cat all around the house?
  5. N) She does not carry the bag to school every day. I) Does she carry the bag to school every day?
  6. N) He does not teach English at school. I) Does he teach English at school?

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